Just A Couple Of Tweets Telling What's Wrong With This Publication's Latest Ad Involving Priyanka Chopra

Basically, the ad is trying to say that when Priyanka Chopra speaks about her success, many other Priyankas watch it too.

Advertising is an art that requires creative brilliance and a sense of aesthetics. And when it is about women empowerment, it is not a rocket science to understand that making a sexist comment along is just not right.

However, the marketing team of Times Group just skipped the major part and decided to run an ad which is extremely sexist, offensive and undermines the achievements of actor Priyanka Chopra. They have come up with the most disgusting way to grab eyeballs by focusing on her personal life.

According to the print ad, 42% of English news viewership consists of women. And the ad starts with:

When Priyanka Chopra speaks about her next Hollywood film, Priyanka Kapoor, Priyanka Baweja, Priyanka Jonas, Priyanka Khan, Priyanka Kumar watch it too. #WomenOnTop.

Basically, they were trying to say that when Priyanka Chopra speaks about her success, many other Priyankas watch it too. But all these Priyankas have last names of the men that Priyanka Chopra has reportedly dated. They have used Baweja, hitting at Chopra’s co-star Harman Baweja, Kapoor linking to Shahid Kapoor and of course, Jonas in the middle of the list.

Soon after the release of the ad, social media users started pointing out what’s wrong with it.

Feelings are mutual
