In a shocking incident, a 42-year-old man, attempting to complete a doughnut-eating challenge died after choking on a giant pastry. According to reports, the man has been identified as Travis Malouff of Denver. He was participating in Voodoo Doughnut’s 80-second half-pound doughnut challenge before his death.
Following the incident, Travis’ father Curter Malouff said that the death is tragic and it’s a loss of life that shouldn’t be. Reports suggest that people in the shop at the time tried to help Malouff when they realized he was choking, but nobody knew how to properly perform the Heimlich maneuver.
Paramedics arrived but were unable to revive Malouff, who died from asphyxia due to obstruction of the airway, the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner reportedly announced.
Surprisingly, Malouff’s death occurred on the same day that a 20-year-old student in Connecticut died after participating in a pancake-eating contest.
Voodoo Doughnuts said in a statement that the company is saddened by Malouff’s death and is cooperating with investigators.
Curtis Malouff said his son will be remembered for his smile and laugh, and his willingness to try anything. Travis is survived by his father, Curtis, mother Kay Malouff and brother Ferris Malouff.