5 year old girl uses Barbie doll to explain sexual assault on her, court convicts man

It was the judge of the trial court who came up with the idea of giving a doll to the girl and make her explain what happened to her and it worked as the girl conveyed the information

A rape accused has been announced a jail term on the basis of the description given by a five-year-old through a Barbie doll. In its order, the court stated that by referring to the private parts of a doll, the girl was able to explain what happened with her.

It was the judge of the trial court who came up with the idea of giving a doll to the girl and make her explain what happened to her and it worked as the girl conveyed the information. Rejecting the appeal filed by the convict, the judge said just because there were no marks found on the private parts it cannot be said that no such incident took place. Girl’s mother did not give the permission for the medical examination to protect her honour.

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The trial court noted, “At the time of recording of the evidence of child this court had the challenge to record her evidence. This court took the assistance of a Barbie doll in making the child depose in the matter about the nuances of the sexual assault which took placed with her”.

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The horrific incident took place in July 2014, when the girl was going to school with her elder brother, the accused asked girl’s brother to get something from a shop and kidnapped her. He took her to an area to north-west Delhi and sexually assaulted her after which she left the girl near her house.

On finding the girl without skirt and crying, a neighbour dropped the child to her house. The girl who was in a state of shock at that time later narrated the whole incident to her mother. The accused was arrested with the help of a CCTV footage and he has been convicted of the offence under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.


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