This man just became the first openly gay Muslim person to get married in Britain

Jahed Choudhary who hails from Bangladesh is the first Muslim man in UK to have a same-sex marriage

A 24-year-old man has become the first Muslim in the UK to have a same-sex marriage. Jahed Choudhary who hails from Bangladesh tied the knot with Sean Rogan, whom he knows for past two years, in a low-key ceremony at Walsall registry office.

As per a report in UK based website Mirror, while recalling his childhood Jahed said, “I stood out like a sore thumb – I never liked football, I preferred watching fashion shows on TV. I remember feeling trapped.”

“It went all over school, people would spit on me, empty the rubbish bins on me, call me pig and the Muslim people would shout ‘harum’ – which is a very nasty insult in my language.”, he added.

When Jahed Choudhury’s family got to know about his sexual orientation, they thought it to be just a phase and treated him like a ‘black sheep’. He was ostracised by the members of his community and was sent on a pilgrimage to change his sexual orientation. Tired of being bullied, he was crying on a bench when he met his future partner. On seeing him crying, 19-year-old  Sean Rogan  came up to him to check if he was okay. And the rest become history.

Also Read: Same-sex marriage legal in 23 countries but attacks on LGBT community still on the rise: Report

“I’d not long overdosed and I was crying on a bench and Sean came over and asked if I was okay. He gave me hope at one of my lowest points and he’s stood by me all the way”, said Jahed Choudhury

Also Read: What a relief! Donald Trump says he is ‘fine’ with same sex marriages

On talking about his future plans, Choudhury, said that they will be hosting a party in Darlaston after which couple will be heading to Spain for a week on holiday.
