Wonder Woman is undoubtedly the wildest trend of this year, being the most tweeted movie of 2017 and all. As per critics and fans, Director Patty Jenkins did a phenomenal job and Gal Gadot, who was initially rejected by the DC fan base for being too skinny and unfit for the role, is now not too far from global domination. The film was more or less (more more than more less) flawless except for the fact that a lot of fans took issue with a certain scene in the film. The scene where an undercover Diana Prince hides a sword, her precious ‘Godkiller’, in her dress with the grip hanging out of her back confused many. But female Wonder Woman fans who disagree wouldn’t have it and they have clarified the confusions with a new trend.

A still from Wonder Woman.
The problem sword-in-the-dress trick was, many people didn’t think that it was feasible for something as rigid as a sword to go unnoticed within a dress. And then there were some mildly unsettling memes with appeared to support that the sword would be tightly held between Diana’s buttocks. Here’s a picture depicting just how that would be:
Yes it all makes sense that Wonder Woman holding that with her ass, seriously HOW DOES NO ONE SEE HER FUCKING SWORD! pic.twitter.com/fMBmTno20a
— Niru Bikoshi (@psychowulfboy) May 26, 2017
Getting to it, Wonder Woman have now started a new trend called ‘WW Got Your Back’. So, women are posting photos of themselves with swords hidden in their dresses and it is pretty crazy ’cause it actually proves that it IS possible to do it. Here are some of the #WWGotYourBack posts for you to check out:
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