Priyanka Chopra to Ranveer Singh: 8 celebrities who don't understand what Feminism means

Feminism means gender equality. No Feminist worth her salt has EVER defined it as a 'bra-burning movement that hates men'.

Feminism is a word and a concept which generates immense fear in the hearts of B-town celebrities. Women seem to run away from branding themselves as a Feminist for reasons unknown. Men, are usually not asked whether or not they are Feminists, and the ones who do choose to discuss the topic, fail miserably.

The complete lack clarity about what the term entails is so astounding, one wonders why they cannot just Google. The ‘F’ word as a rule tends to scare people away immediately and puts them in a mode that is, by default, argumentative. And our celebrities are no less. The latest one to join the bandwagon of the people totally confused about what feminism is surprisingly – Ranveer Singh. The Bollywood star, otherwise popular for his gender non-conforming dressing sense and infectious energy, in an interview to the Cosmopolitan, has gone on to say that he believes in gender equality but doesn’t want to be labelled as a ‘meninist’ or ‘feminist’. Ok bro, thanks but just to clarify feminism is basically = gender equality.

In an interview, Ranveer said:

“I believe in gender quality, so i feel like it’s lopsided being on the either side of the coin, you know? By being a ‘meninist’ and ‘feminist’, you’re essentially already submitting and subscribing to the fact that there’s an imbalance. Why won’t we just accept the equal status goal and move on?”

It is not just Ranveer Singh, in recent past many celebrities have steered cleared of calling themselves a feminist because of various utterly weird reasons. From actresses like Vidya Balan (who is known for her strong female-oriented roles) to Priyanka Chopra, no one seems to want to call themselves as a feminist and their reasons for not being one are totally entertaining. Not.

1. Katrina Kaif  (in an interview with Vogue magazine)

Katrina Kaif Feminism

Who knew Feminism was about discussing the men in our lives? Someone let Gloria Steinem know, please.

2.  Priyanka Chopra (in an interview to Refinery 29 for promoting Quantico)

Priyanka Chopra Feminism

Female empowerment is Feminism, Priyanka Chopra. Feminists stand for equality. Who said it is about hating men?

3. Lisa Haydon (in an interview with the Times of India)

Lisa Haydon Feminism

Please tell us where and when Feminists where banned from making babies. To each her own as they so desire – THAT is the tenet Feminists are fighting to protect.

4. Parineeti Chopra 

Parineeti Chopra Feminism

So sorry you’ve been accused of being a Feminist before, madam. Hope you don’t feel scarred.

5. Shah Rukh Khan

Shah Rukh Khan Feminism

Condescension, confusion mixed with objectification disguised as a compliment – whattey lovely quote.

6. Vidya Balan 

Vidya Balan Feminism

You’re free, liberated, independent.. but not a Feminist. Literally the most warped quote ever.

7. Madhuri Dixit Nene

Madhuri Dixit Nene Feminism

Okay, we get it you aren’t a feminist and you are only independent and strong.

8. Is Ranveer Singh as we mentioned in the copy before definitely needs to understand that to set a wrong right, you NEED to acknowledge it in the first place.


(Also read: These 8 hilarious tweets explaining mansplaining will make every woman smile in agreement)

Guys, accepting that you’re a feminist wouldn’t put you in jail. Really.
