5 Equipment-Free Exercises You Can Do At Home To Get In Shape

Before you decide to question any of these, just remember these are simple, require no equipment and can be done anywhere.

Finding the motivation to get out of bed on most days is a task, so exercising free of will is a different animal altogether. And getting in shape is one helluva task, TBH. It requires time, money and a lot of energy and motivation when literally all you want to do is stay under the blanket forever.

But we have some tips to simplify that task for you. No, we aren’t asking you to sign up for a gym membership, buy fancy equipment or hire a personal trainer, we are here with a solution which makes exercise look less daunting and easy to do.

For this, you just need some space in your house to do this, and of course, time. Here are five exercises, some of them are easy (it gets boring) and some are difficult (it gets overwhelming), just the right balance.

Before you decide to question any of these, just remember these are simple, require no equipment and can be done anywhere.


Skipping is a full-body workout and could be a great choice to start your fitness regime at home. It warms you up and is less intimidating to think of. Start with 50 and gradually increase the number. Skipping mainly targets the lower and upper body. A week should be enough to notice results.

Spot Jogging

You can do this anywhere, living room, bedroom, terrace, literally anywhere! You can go home, take a shower, change and get going. Start by doing it for at least 10 minutes every day and slowly you can increase the duration. In the long run, this will enhance your body’s endurance and strength.


They are mostly referred to as leg exercise but they work well on all parts of your lower body – butt, legs, abdominal muscles, calves and lower back. Besides, squats help build muscles which in any case is important for your body as you age.

Push Ups

We all resort to push-ups to at some point in our fitness schedule. It helps in building upper body muscles strengthening shoulders and triceps.


Every celeb out there is doing this and passionately promoting it as well. The best part is, they will never go out of style. For beginners, try to hold it for 10 seconds and then gradually working it up to 30, 45 and 60 seconds. Planking everyday helps in strengthening your body from the head to toe. Also, when done regularly, planking reduces the probability of injury in the back and spinal column.

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