Watch: When Narendra Modi and Sheikh Hasina could not stop laughing for a minute 

After the meeting, PM Modi announced $500 million credit line for Bangladesh

In an amusing moment, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina could not hold stop laughing when the emcee asked both of them to “step down”.

After both countries agreed on 22 MOUs and were on a stage for signing on the documents in front of the media persons. When it got over two leaders were asked to leave the podium so that each of them can make their respective statements.

It was when the emcee without giving much thought said, “May I request the two Prime Ministers to now please step down” which burst both them into laughter.

In the past three years, this is the third time that Sheikh Hasina is visting India. Both the Prime Ministers are discussed on the several bilateral ties and other key issues. After meeting Sheikh Hasina, PM Modi also interacted with the Bangladesh delegation.

After the bilateral meeting, PM Modi announced $500 million for Bangladesh’s defence procurement. Also, to achieve Power of all by the 2021, India will partner Bangladesh.60 MW added to 600 MW supply from India, commitment of 500 MW more.

During joint statement, PM Narendra Modi at Hyderabad house said, “We are happy to announce a concessional line of credit of $4.5 billion for investment in priority sectors in Bangladesh.”

Focusing on peace between neigbours, Prime Minister said both India and Bangladesh have agreed that peace and security will remain central engagement.
