A traffic cop in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu has brought a Green Revolution in the city. A 53-year-old traffic police inspector, C Ayyar Samy, has planted as many as 24,000 saplings on the streets of the city over the last eight years. The number of saplings planted is the outcome of the constant efforts by Samy as well as his supporters and colleagues.
After the hectic day of regular patrolling and policing on the streets of the city, Samy goes to the market to buy seeds.
Samy says, “I spend around Rs 2,000 every month from my salary to buy seeds and look after the saplings.”
“This is not achieved only with my efforts, around 50 of my colleagues join me during their free time and we distribute these among various institutions and organisations”, he adds.
Samy has distributed seeds and saplings in various schools, colleges and clubs of the city.
In Samy’s green drive, over 2,500 saplings of palm, neem and tamarind are waiting to be distributed at 5-acre police camp on the Coimbatore-Avinashi road. Frequent donations of Rs 50 and Rs 100 is recieve3d by his colleagues for this.
Not only in Coimbatore, Samy has revolutionized Chennai as well with the green drive. He said, ‘while celebrating the birthday of the former President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam, we distributed over 7,500 saplings in five colleges in Chennai. Samy’s daughter lives in Chennai.
Praising the dedication and hardwork of Samy for his duty and his passion, K Magudapathy, Assistant Commissioner of Police (traffic) said, “he does his job well and rushes back to his farm to take care of those plants and saplings. He is equally passionate about his work and his plants.”
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