Servants of defence personnel to be evicted to build a war museum

Over 2000 residents have staged a protest after they were asked to vacat their home in order to build a war memorial in that place

In what came as a huge blow to the residents of Princess Park, the defence ministry has directed the dwellers to vacate their homes in order to build a war memorial in that place. The people residing in the area close to India Gate have served the Defence personnel as domestic help for a long period of time but now have been asked to move out within a span of 30 days.

The houses are all set to be brought down and is to be replaced by war memorial. The shocked residents are reportedly extremely worried about this new development and have affirmed that their family members worked for members of the army, navy and air force for free just with the satisfaction of having free accommodation which was now being taken away.

“My grandmother, mother and then I have worked for free, sweeping, cleaning and cooking at the homes of these officers, in return for living in these unauthorised quarters for free while our husbands went out to work in the city to earn money. We held on to the job because we at least had a roof over our heads. After so many years, we are suddenly being asked to leave. Where will we go?” a resident of the area told Indian Express.

Some of them lashed out the government saying that the politicians approach them only during elections and forget them after they’ve got the desired number of votes. The Defence Ministry have affirmed that those illegally possessing houses should vacate their home in 30 days time.
