Here's how an engineer turned farmer is growing 51 types of mangoes on a 50 year old tree

Ravi worked in Muscat for 10 years but on seeing the condition of agriculture in the country he decided to come back to India and became a farmer

We often come across stories where people come up with the extraordinary ideas and with their skill and knowledge turn those ideas into a reality. And, ones such story is that of Ravi Marshtewar, an engineer by profession who left his job and took up farming.

Ravi worked in Muscat for 10 years but on seeing the condition of agriculture in the country he decided to come back to India and became a farmer.One of his most prominent works is the mango tree which grows as many as 51 varieties on mango on one single tree. The tree is 50 years old and has been grafted 1,350 times to get these many varieties.

Earlier, this old mango tree gave sour mangoes and Ravi used to earn 1,000 but now the same tree is loaded with the different varieties of mango and earns Ravi over Rs 30,000. Now, farmers in huge number now come to Ravi in the month of July, August and September to learn the technique to execute grafting.

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After taking up farming he got to know about the problems that the farmers have to go through. Many farmers take their lives due to miseries which are prevalent in agriculture. This prompted Ravi to work for the welfare of these distraught people and also to create awareness among them.

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Now, he provides information to the farmers about the government schemes and the subsidies which are given to them. He also started helping farmers of the nearby areas and told them about the new techniques.


(Source: The Better India)


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