Altamas Kabir, former Chief Justice of India is in a critical condition and is undergoing a treatment for kidney related ailment in a hospital in Kolkata. Kabir, was appointed on September 29, 2012 as the 39th Chief Justice of India and got retired from the post on July 19, 2013.
News agency PTI quoted former Supreme Court judge Ashok Ganguly as saying,”He is on a life support system since his condition is very critical”. Ganguly, was present at the hospital where Kabir is admitted.
Kabir was part of the bench that heard the case of two Italian Marines Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, who allegedly killed two Indian fishermen in 2012.
Anjali Singh, spokesperson of Apollo Hospitals told “He is in a critical condition and is undergoing treatment,”.
Earlier, there were reports of him passing away but news agency ANI clarified that Kabir is on the life support system.
ANI apologises about the news of former Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir's death; he is on life support system at present.
— ANI (@ANI_news) February 19, 2017
Kabir, started his career in Kolkata as a lawyer in the year 1973 after completing his LLB and MA degree from Calcutta University. He practised both in the district and the High court of Kolkata. On August 6, 1990 he was appointed as the permanent judge of Calcutta High Court and on January 11, 2005 Kabir was made acting chief justice of the Calcutta High Court. Before taking up the position of CJI, he also held the post of the Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court.