Days after Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad assaulted a crew member of Air India, the Aviation Ministry on Friday announced new norms to tackle the unruly passengers. This will be the first time when draft rules are made for the no-fly list. However, the ministry has also given warning that these norms should not be misused by the airlines.
While speaking at a press conference, Civil Aviation Secretary RN Choubey said, “Have put instances of unruly behaviour into 3 categories, level 1 will be disruptive behaviour like physical gestures etc”.
“Level 2 will be physically abusive behaviour like pushing, kicking, sexual harassment etc and level 3 for life-threatening behaviour,” he added.
The punishment for it will also be divided into 3 categories depending on their behaviour. In the first category, a person will be banned for 3 months from flying. Six months ban from flying to the second level and 2 years or more ban under the third category.
Ban from flying is only applicable to domestic fights but if international want this input they can also use it. For behaving in an improper manner, an airline can ban the passenger from the immediate effect. But the passenger will not come on the national no-fly list immediately.
Punishment for unruly behavior into 3 categories,1st category is 3 months,level 2- 6 months,level 3- 2 yrs or more:Secy Civil Av
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 5, 2017
Airline can ban the passenger from flying immediately,but the passenger won’t come on national no-fly list immediately: Secy Civil Aviation
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 5, 2017
The move has come days after Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad in a shocking incident hit 60-year-old airline official 25 times from a sandal. After the incident came to light, Air India put a ban on him from flying from the national carrier. Later, The The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) also imposed a flying ban on him.
The ban on him was lifted by the airlines after the intervention of Civil Aviation Ministry, however, Gaikwad never apologised from the airline staff member.