With the brand new Rs 20 note unveiled by the RBI, we’ve officially hit peak rainbow as far as currencies. Normally, we’re all for rainbows (may they never be closeted), but in this instance, where in the aftermath of demonitisation, too many new notes have released in a variety of neon to pastel shades, which frankly, literally nobody asked for.
The new 100 rupees note is lavender, while the 10 rupees note is brown; the 50 rupees note is fluorescent blue, while the 200 rupees notes is shiny yellow; the 500 rupees note is grey, and the dreaded 2000 rupees note is magenta. Adding to this mix of designer currency is the new Rs 20 note. Apart from being greenish-yellow, RBI added that it will carry a motif of the Ellora Caves ‘depicting the country’s cultural heritage’.
Twitter, per usual has had strong objections to this latest addition to the currency, which like its brothers and sisters, feels like a major throwback to the Monopoly bank notes most of us played with as kids:
Who the fuck came up with this color scheme for the new 20 rupees note? Haldiram? pic.twitter.com/iT1tjZDo1q
— Capt Obvious (@DesolateCranium) April 27, 2019
Has RBI hired a lungi designer to make notes? https://t.co/LdnngEDqK0
— Member of Whale (@sidin) April 27, 2019
It’s just a tribute to the uniform of CSK, who excel in the 20 over format.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) April 27, 2019
Any other colour remaining from the VIBGYOR family?
— rneelmani (@rneelmani) April 27, 2019
here the reason why 20/Rs..Note Color is yellow. pic.twitter.com/DZa2juuapA
— _ (@heyy_ap) April 27, 2019
— H. K. Jangid _ (@hkjangid2) April 27, 2019