A day after Delhi University announced its fourth-cut off list for the admissions in the undergraduate courses around 10,000 seats are still left to be filled. However, the remaining seats are filling up fast. Seats for popular honours courses such as English, Economics and B Com had been closed at many sought after colleges of the university.
Hindu, Gargi, Ramjas, Lady Shri Ram College, Miranda House are among the colleges where seats for some of the undergraduate courses are still available. Seats left in Ramjas college are in Political Science, Economics, English and History. Those wanting to get admission still have a chance to secure a seat before Saturday.
As per a report in Hindustan Times, Miranda House has seats available in four courses. Principal of Miranda House, said Pratibha Jolly said, “We have been more busy with ECA admissions… We have around 30 seats for sports and 20 for ECA. We reserve 5% supernumerary seats for Sports and ECA combined. We have more seats for sports as sports is specialised and ECA talent is widespread across colleges anyway”.
Also Read: 7 days before exam, Delhi University changes pattern for BA LLB entrance test
Some seats are still available at one of the prestigious colleges of Delhi University, Lady Shri Ram College. The courses which still have seats are Journalism, English, History, Psychology. The principal of the college, Suman Sharma said that total around 110 seats are available.
In the fourth list of the DU, the cutoff has dipped by up to 5% points in popular courses among students. Some of the colleges have again started taking admissions in courses such as History, Economics, English and Political Science. The colleges reopened the admission after students withdrew their admission.
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