Mona Lisa, smile! Artist turns everyday photos into art-memes and the result is stunning

Classical art with a sick twist!

When Leonardo Da Vinci made Mona Lisa, or Johannes Vermeer put the finishing touches on the Girl with a Pearl Earring – little could they have envisioned a future where these ladies would be in jeans, bikinis or lace jumpsuits. These iconic modern art faces were reflective of the era in which they were made and were hauntingly serene yet simple.

But can you possibly imagine Mona Lisa strutting around in skin-tight denims or Vermeer’s Milkmaid serving a Unicorn Frapp at Starbucks? What we’re about to show you is Gospel meets GaGa and it will blow your hipster mind!

It’s 2017 and a Japanese Graphic Designer named Shusaku Takaoka is hilariously transforming some of the classical art world’s most iconic faces into modern day hipsters and the internet is loving the art. Takaoka has these iconic faces hanging out on the subway, waiting in lines for iPhones and strutting their stuff on Broadway. But Takaoka’s vivid imagination didn’t really stop here – he has also recreated them as movie stars being click by the paparazzi, supermodels on magazine covers, and even baristas at Starbucks!

Check out the uber cool images right here:

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Here’s something you really didn’t need OR want to see

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…And would an article really be complete without Beyonce?

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What do you think about this literally modern art? Tell us!
