A student sang his leave application to the headmaster, Twitter says 'chutti banti hai'

As kids, if there is something we hated more than that teacher who would always take away our free periods, it was writing leave applications.

We pretty much had a set format for leave applications back in our days but kids these days are way smarter. A kid from Pakistan ditched the old paper-and-pen way and decided to sing out his entire leave application to his headmaster in Punjabi folk style.

The video was shared by popular Pakistani singer Shehzad Roy and and has gone viral not just because the kid is singing his application, it’s because the child remembers to add all the correct punctuation while singing, which has made Twitter rally for his chutti!

Check out the adorable video right here:

To comma
The Headmaster
Comma gol fullstop
Model Primary School
Korewala fullstop
Sir comma I beg to say that I
am ill fullstop
So comma I cannot come to
school fullstop
Kindly grant me leave for one
Da tareek ik mahina sun 2018
tareek fullstop
I shall be thankful to you
Yours obediently full comma

Here’s how Twitter reacted to the kid’s song:

While most people enjoyed the innocent video, some were quick to point out the poor education system:

What do you think?
