Bizarre! When an umpire asked a batsman to get out

After Sujon Mahmud smashed a boundary the umpire officiating the match, Shamsur Rahman and Azizul Bari asked him to get out

Did it actually happen you may question, yes it did and now one feels how low can they stoop now. Last month, we heard reports of how a bowler conceded 92 runs in 4 balls. That cricketer has already been banned by the BCB for 10 years. Earlier, on May 2, the Bangladesh Cricket Board approved a report which stated that the Lalmatia Club and Fear Fighters Sporting Club be scrapped from the league, bowlers Tasnim Hasan and Sujon Mahmud exiled from the game for 10 years and the coaches, skippers and managers of the two teams handed suspensions of five years each.

Yes, Sujon Mahmud the captain of the team is the culprit in question. He in fact has lately disclosed more facts about the match, he said that apparently during the toss, he was not allowed to see which side the coin fell. Adding further about his sad story he said, after he smashed a boundary the umpire officiating the match, Shamsur Rahman and Azizul Bari asked him to get out. That is grave!

The three-member committee’s convener Sheikh Sohel while spelling out the final verdict said that the clubs didn’t complain against the umpires and hence harsh actions were not taken. The umpires have still been suspended for six months ban for not being able to handle the matches properly.

“I want to ask a question to the club officials: why didn’t they give us a letter if this was happening for such a long time? Why didn’t they tell the umpires’ committee? Also, these two umpires did other matches too, why didn’t anything similar happen in those games?” asked Sohel.
