They say ‘everything in excess is bad’. And it’s probably true. Even sweets consumed in excess for a prolonged period of time can cause diabetes. Green Tea, which is a popular drink among fitness freaks and those who are trying to lose weight, is no exception to this rule. Like everything else, green tea has its own set of limitations and can create a whole lot of problems if consumed in excess (shocked!).
Hold on! This doesn’t mean that you should completely remove green tea from your menu. But if you have been drinking 5-6 cups of the herbal drink every day, it might be the right time to dial it down a notch.
Here are some side effects of drinking green tea in excess:
Stomach Troubles

Stomach Issues (Photo: Flickr)
The reason that most people try replacing their tea/coffee with green tea is that it helps in reducing weight and has caffeine, which increases mental alertness (just like your regular cup of coffee). But do not you know, it causes a number of stomach problems like diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, pain, and nausea?

Anemia (Photo: Creative Common Images)
Some studies suggest that drinking green tea too much of green tea can lead to lower absorption of iron in the body, which can, in turn, lead to anemia. And if you have anemia, it’s only going to get worse, so be careful about the amount of green tea you consume.
Faulty Heart

Heart health (Photo: Pixabay)
Blame it on the caffeine, but drinking excess green tea can cause an irregular heartbeat. It can not only cause your heartbeat to speed up (tachycardia) but also cause a condition called angina (which is an intense localised pain in the region of the heart).
Eye Issues

Faulty eyes (Photo: Free great picture)
Drinking green tea causes a condition called glaucoma, which is the increase in the pressure inside the eyes. This usually occurs within 30 minutes of drinking tea and it can last up to 90 minutes.
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Problematic pregnancy

Pregnancy (Photo: Pixabay)
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid drinking more than 2 cups of green tea in a day. Drinking more than 2 cups of green tea a day has been linked with folic acid deficiency, birth defects, and miscarriage.
Fragile Bones

Joint Pain (Photo: Pexels)
Drinking green tea can inhibit the absorption of calcium in the body. This can lead to low levels of calcium in the body. This can, in turn, cause a bone disease called osteoporosis.
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Diabetes (Photo: Max Pixel)
Though some studies have shown that green tea greatly benefits the people suffering from diabetes. Some studies suggest otherwise. So, if you have diabetes and you drink green tea often, it is advisable to keep a check on your blood glucose level as a word of caution.
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