Top entertainment news at 5:30 pm, Feb 21: Shahid Kapoor's Snapchat videos, Karan Johar to produce a sex comedy, Varun Dhawan denied voting

Here is all top entertainment news at 1 pm, Feb 21. From Shahid Kapoor's Snapchat videos to Varun Dhawan leaving polling booth in anger

Watch: Shahid Kapoor’s Snapchat videos are taking Rangoon promotions to a new high

Vishal Bhardwaj’s Rangoon is just 3 days away from its release and the whole star cast is leaving no stone unturned to promote the film as much as possible. We all know that digital promotions and connecting with the audience are what works the best for any film. And Shahid Kapoor has decoded the Snapchat game, as this app is the latest hit among the youngsters. Though his Snapchat id is still a secret, the actor keeps on posting his snap videos on the Instagram account. Watch the videos here

BMC polls: Here’s why Varun Dhawan left polling booth without casting his vote

Actor Varun Dhawan was unable to cast his vote in the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) polls. His name wasn’t on the list of and he said it was strange. Speaking to media, Varun asserted he cast his vote the previous elections and would find why this happened with the Election Commission. Media reports have it that Varun Dhawan flew from Jaipur to Mumbai only to cast his vote. Read full article here

Karan Johar to produce a sex comedy soon with ‘Dharma values’ intact

Seems like Dharma Productions is on a spree to support films with varied content. The Karan Johar-helmed production company is now set to produce a sex comedy now. The film titled as Get A Room is being directed by Gippi maker Sonam Nair. Get A Room is going to be a modern take on relationships and will feature new actors. Read full article here
