HBO’s leading show Game of Thrones is all set to come back with its seventh season in summer this year. The wait is long but that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating about what could this next season offer. Recently, HBO dropped the season 7 teaser trailer which has left everyone intrigued as three of the mightiest contenders for the Seven Kingdoms, take seat at their respective thrones.
From a Stark reunion to Daenerys’ arrival at Dragonstone, there’s nothing stopping these fans. Recent sightings of the cast in several parts of Europe have supported many of these claims. Here are all the popular Game of Thrones fan theories that are most likely to happen in season 7.
Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen-Daenerys Targaryen union
Thanks to some on-set leaked photos, we already know that the Ice Prince and the Fire Queen will have scenes together. As she steps her foot in Westeros, Daenerys will be searching to make allies and Cersei is certainly not going to be it.

(Courtesy: Game of Thrones Wiki)
With the rise of the King in the North, Jon Snow remains to be the only one who could prove to be a worthy companion to Dany, who stands against the crown. A Game of Thrones plot leak even suggested that the two might get to become a bit more than allies, if you know what I mean. The fact that Dany is oblivious to the fact that Jon is Rhaegar’s son could only aid the union although, incest has never been a problem for the Targaryens. It has also been rumoured that Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) will be having scenes with Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth) and Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth).
Bran crosses the wall and brings the horde of White Walkers along

(Courtesy: Game of Thrones Wiki)
In the fifth episode of Season 6, we witnessed the fact that a person bearing a ‘mark’ of the Night King nullifies the magic of the Children of the Forest that keeps the ice-zombies off the grass. With Meera the only one left to guard a crippled Bran, she is expected to take him to the Wall, where she believes his brother Jon is. With Bran past the wall, he alone could undo the magic that has guarded the Seven Kingdoms for centuries ever since the First Men set foot onto Westeros.
The Stark Sisters unite
Even though they never really liked each other, both Sansa and Arya have no other option than to stick with family now. In season 6, we saw Arya Stark heading towards home, even making it to The Twins where she murdered the Freys. She’s making her way up to Winterfell where the Starks are finally at home.
Arya finally finds Nymeria
The reunion that everyone has been waiting for, more so than any other, is the one of Arya and her direwolf Nymeria. The two had parted ways back in season 1 after which, we haven’t even gotten to see Nymeria. Plus, they ought to bring the she-wolf back as she is like the only female one remaining that we know of.
A flashback of Rhaegar Targaryen

(Courtesy: Game of Thrones Wiki)
After the Season 6 finale, it was clear that Jon Snow is in fact, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. However, whether Jon is a bastard or a legitimate son of the Targaryen prince still remains to be known. It was never revealed that Rhaegar had married Lyanna and until all speculations are put to rest, Jon remains to be a bastard, making his claim to the throne weaker than Daenerys’, a trueborn daughter of Aerys Targeryen and Rhaella Targaryen.
The return of Gendry
(Courtesy: Giphy)
It is highly conjectured that Gendry will finally stop rowing that boat. The only person with the Baratheon blood still running through his veins, Gendry is the key to bring back House Baratheon to its former glory. After 6 seasons, all the Houses are finally ready for the great war leading people to believe that season 7 will witness the biggest clash between the Noble Houses of Westeros. With the upcoming war almost at our doorstep, fans speculate that we will see the return of the Baratheons, a house that had remained in power for decades.
Drogon takes on the White Walkers
(Courtesy: Giphy)
The show has always maintained that Dragons are magic and their fire can literally melt buildings. Fans believe that if dragonglass can kill a White Walker, then so can dragonfire. The magic of the Valyrians also supports this theory as Valyrian steel has been proven to be the only other thing that can kill the walkers. The key to the only three remaining dragons, Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal is their mother, Daenerys. Daenerys’ victory against the White Walkers will get the other houses to rally behind her thus, ascending her to the throne.
Cersei brings more evil to the table

(Courtesy: YouTube)
In her own words, Cersei Lannister claims to have only ever loved her children. With all her children dead, Cersei now seems detached and the only one thing that made her human, seems to have vanished. I mean, you saw her blow the Sept right? Season 7 will see Cersei in a whole different Avatar, more cruel, and dripping with nothing but pure evil. With no other allies left, fans also speculate that Cersei is likely to join hands with Euron Greyjoy, as Yara and Theon have sided with Daenerys.
Ned Stark comes back to life

(Courtesy: Game of Thrones Wiki)
Please…. somehow…