Sridevi’s MOM has hit the silver screens on Friday, 7 July 2017. The actress, who made a comeback with the film after a gap of almost six years received a great response for her powerful acting skill. The film did a decent business at the Box Office. On day four of its release, MOM has collected Rs 2.52 crore. On day one of its releases, it collected Rs 2.90 crore (Friday), while it minted Rs 5.08 crore on Saturday and Rs 6.42 crore on Sunday. With this, the total collection of the film now stands at Rs 16.92 crore in India.
The film has recorded something really surprising on day fourth of its release. Sridevi’s starrer shows a fall in its figure as compared to its first-day collection, as the ticket prize of the film has been reduced.
Also starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Akshaye Khanna, Pakistani actors Sajal Ali and Adnan Siddiqui in pivotal roles, MOM is a thriller, which focuses on the issue of increasing crime against women in the country. It is an emotional tale of a mother-daughter relationship. Sridevi’s character as Devki and her on-screen daughter played by Sajal Ali was appreciated well by the audience. MOM also marked as Sridevi’s 300th film.
Also Read: Mom 1st weekend Box Office Collection: Sridevi starrer will ‘slowly, but surely’ leave a mark
As compared to her last release, Sridevi’s MOM is still far behind from the collection of English Vinglish. Last seen in Gauri Shinde directorial English Vinglish, the film did a decent business with a collection of Rs 2,32, oo,ooo crore. Talking about the number of screens, MOM has been released in 1350 screen across Indian, and 456 screens overseas, while English Vinglish was released in 700 screens. So as compared to the screens MOM was expected to witness good numbers at the Box Office.
Also Read: MOM Box Office Collection Day 2: Sridevi’s film registers decent growth but will this continue?
MOM has been directed by Ravi Udyawar and produced under the banner of Sridevi’s husband and filmmaker Boney Kapoor.
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