19 reasons why every foodie should travel by train

Next time you take a trip, these are stations you must pay attention to so as to satiate your hunger.

There is something about train journeys. The clattering sound of train-tracks, the excitement or apprehension about meeting strangers, different landscapes. But, inarguably, the best part about train journeys is food. Indian Railway System covers thousands of kilometres and offers diverse cuisines because it is not only the dialect and language that changes with every few kilometres in India, so does the taste. From north to south and east to west, India is a country of gastronomical delights.

Food is something that evokes all the five senses and Indian food never fails to surprise one. From Ajmer’s Kadhi Kachori to Ernakulam’s Pazham Pori, here’re 19 delicious foods across India that you must try next time you take a trip!