Fitness faults: 5 Mistakes you’re making when doing squats

While performing it, we always need to remember that the poor technique of lifting in the squat can generate a lot of business for orthopedic surgeons.

The squat is the best lower-body exercise that involves everything from glutes to the front and rear thigh musculature. But if practiced wrong way, this best exercise can also turn the dangerous one. Thus, while performing it, we always need to remember that the poor technique of lifting in the squat can generate a lot of business for chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons.

For a healthier you, make sure that you are not making any of these mistakes.

Placement of bar: The bar needs to be placed on your upper trap. However, many people either place it too high or too low.

Squats (Photo: Dreamstime)

Pay attention to knee movement: Your knees should not go too forward. While you squat, it should stay in line with your toes. You should remember that your heels must remain in contact with the floor throughout the entire movement.

Dip matters: For maximal thigh development, you need to squat as low as you can. If you can’t squat too low, then make sure to dip at least a 90 degree knee bend. The deeper you go, the more your glutes and hamstrings have to work. Remember dip matters more than the weights on your upper track.

Back posture: Remember! a round back can result in a long-term injury. To ensure the health of your spine, all you need to do is Lock your spine in a slightly arched position and hold it there. You also need to maintain a big chest and pull your elbows back as you complete the movement.

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Squats (Photo: Dreamstime)

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The moment to exhale: Breathing out at the right moment makes a lot of difference to your squat performance and also plays a role in ensuring your back’s safety. You need to hold your breath until you reach a point near the top of the movement, just past the sticking point. Exhale forcefully near the top of the rep.