Many American adults believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows! No kidding

A survey report has revealed that seven per cent Americans - about 16 million people - believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows!

A survey report has revealed that seven per cent Americans – about 16 million people – believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows! Nearly half of them, 48 per cent didn’t know where chocolate milk came from at all. A new survey conducted by the milk industry body – Innovation Center of US Dairy uncovered these startling statistics in a survey of more than 1000 American adults.

The survey report was first published on June 1, but the statistic went viral on Thursday after the Washington Post published its report on the findings.


According to report in Huffingtonpost, the hilarious responses came from all 50 states, and the regional response breakdown was fairly even, with a slight uptick (approximately 10% higher) in the South.

The survey found that many adults think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. It noted that the finding fits a general pattern of Americans being a bit fuzzy on where their food comes from. For instance, a Department of Agriculture study from the 1990’s found that almost 1 in 5 adults didn’t know hamburgers were beef.


Other findings showed that 37 percent of adults gulp milk straight from the container and 29 percent said their children influenced the purchase of chocolate milk.

The survey findings are very much surprising not only because the people ‘lacked common sense’, but, also because one-fifth of the 50 states in the US having cattle populations larger than the human population and farming being of the country’s biggest industries.


The latest survey also showed that Americans’ love affair with dairy foods is far from over despite trendy diets shunning milk produce. Only 5 percent of people don’t drink milk at all and 95 percent have cheese of some sort in their fridge.

Revealing as the study’s findings were, they still left one teasing question, reported the Huffington Post – where do all these Americans think strawberry milk comes from?


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