This Game, And Not Savita Bhabhi, Can End Your Marriage!

According to PornHub, it sees dips in its traffic around the same time when Fortnite releases new updates

If your partner complains about you spending too much time playing video games, your relationship might have already been damaged beyond repair. According to a report by Divorce Online, gamers who play Fortnite tend to go overboard because of its “drug-like qualities”. The situation for a few spun out of control so much so that it affected their relationships and marriages. According to the report, online games—especially Fortnite—are responsible for around 5% of divorce petitions in the United Kingdom since the beginning of 2018.

The report also mentions other addictions which are attributed to online activities such as porn and social media which are leading to an increasing number of divorce petitions. But even porn sites like PornHub are bowing to Fortnite. According to a report from PornHub, it has seen dips in its traffic around the same time when Fortnite releases new updates. The report also states that the porn site sees “spikes in search volume” for Fortnite whenever the game releases new updates. In short, people are searching for Fortnite on PornHub.

Photo: Epic Games

Fortnite is a multiplayer battle royale game which was released in 2017. Like PubG, it’s a cooperative shooter-survival game where up to 100 players fight in increasingly-smaller spaces to be the last person standing. The game has gone on to become a global phenomenon with over 125 million players registered as of July 2018. The game can be played on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PCs and mobile devices.

In July, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed gaming addiction as a mental health disorder wherein people give an “increased priority to gaming to the point that it takes precedence over other interests and daily activities”.