This woman smiling at an Islamophobic protestor is the hero everyone deserves

A British Asian woman, Saffiya Khan stood up against wrong and put an Islamphobic leader in his rightful place with a harmless smile.

Humanity is still alive and people still stand up for something they think is right. A photograph of a young British Asian girl, Saffiya Khan going viral on the internet goes on to prove just this. Saffiya Khan stood up against English Defence League’s leader, Ian Crossland when she saw 25 men surround a woman in headscarf and police doing nothing about it. EDL is a ‘far-right street protest movement’ which believes that ‘Islam challenges an English, Christian way of living’.

A proud ‘Brummy’ (Birmingham resident), Saffiya Khan said in an interview that she was terrified and doesn’t like people ganged up on in her town. Reportedly,EDL organised a rally in Birmingham and a woman in a headscarf started shouting ‘racist’. In no time, about 25 men ganged up on that woman while police merely watched and took no action to save the poor lady. That is when Saffiya Khan stepped in and stood face-to-face with Ian Crossland. Apparently, while Crossland kept abusing her and even called her ‘left-wing scrubber’, Saffiya maintained her calm and just smiled back at him and won the battle. Twitter heaped praises on this courageous lady and within some time her picture smiling at Crossland went viral. Read the tweets:

Who looks like they have power here, the real Brummy on the left or the EDL who migrated for the day to our city and failed to assimilate pic.twitter.com/bu96ALQsOL

— Jess Phillips MP (@jessphillips) April 8, 2017

Amazing picture ….Young woman stares down the face of racist hate during today’s #EDL knuckle dragging protest. pic.twitter.com/mFAzL5LPdB

— Brett (@599bt) April 8, 2017

This lady in Birmingham pic.twitter.com/ONkzXc33lJ

— Sister Alexis (@AlexisTrust) April 8, 2017

Who looks like they have power here, the real Brummy on the left or the EDL who migrated for the day to our city and failed to assimilate pic.twitter.com/bu96ALQsOL

— Jess Phillips MP (@jessphillips) April 8, 2017

Defiant & peaceful – #SaffiyahKhan embodies everything that is good about the UK.

Whereas the brain-dead #EDL runt represents the gutter. https://t.co/uxFo4bXVwK

— Brett (@599bt) April 10, 2017

Those immortal words from”All About Eve”:”You’re too short for that gesture.”#SaffiyahKhan#EDL
Pic-@MissDuffyAFA pic.twitter.com/romy7QYDmY

— Bonnie Greer (@Bonn1eGreer) April 10, 2017

@jessphillips She’s still smiling and kept her hands in her pockets. Totally unfazed. Big respect. pic.twitter.com/n3xNq4A7hx

— Tom Jarvis (@jarvo02) April 8, 2017

@jarvo02 @andypic @jessphillips She is my new hero

— Natalie Silvey (@silv24) April 9, 2017