Why does Donald Trump wants to break-up the European Union

Donald Trump is trying to shake-up America's long-standing policy toward Europe and it's rattling European governments of all political hues.

Incoming US President Donald Trump hasn’t been making the right noises about the European Union, even reckoning other European nations will replicate the Brexit vote that led to the United Kingdom leaving the EU last year.

“I believe others will leave. I do think keeping it together is not gonna be as easy as a lot of people think,” Trump reportedly said during an interview given to Time magazine. He added the exit of the UK from Europe would “end up being a great thing”.

Trump’s stand on the EU is a prominent departure from outgoing president Barack Obama’s, who had appealed the United Kingdom’s public to stay in the European single market by voting to remain in the EU, an advice majority of Britons eventually ignored.

So, the big question is why could Trump possibly feel threatened with the European Union?

We came up with three possible reasons why we think the 70-year old former New York businessman want to split the European single market.

Reason 1 Trump’s backing of Vladimir Putin’s Russia

(Source: Youtube/PBS NewsHour)


President Barack Obama and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s last joint press conference

(Source: Youtube/CBS News)

If Trump’s vision is guided by principles of stricter controls on immigration, it is not difficult to forecast why Trump wants the EU broken.

Reason 3 Trump’s hatred of NATO

(Source: Youtube/Financial Times)