Twitter teaches how to ask a woman out on a date. Men, take note

Journalist Holly Brockwell recently tweeted a snapshot of her conversation with someone who asked her out. Her tweet is winning the internet!

Asking someone out on a date isn’t that difficult — all you got to do is tell the person you’re interested in them and wait for a response. But oh, only if men understood that!

From sending ‘YOU LOOK HAWWT’ texts to the ‘ol ‘Send bobs and vagene’ routine, it seems that 90 per cent of the men have no idea how they’re supposed to ask a woman out. Thankfully, a helpful lady is letting men in on how to do it.

Journalist Holly Brockwell recently tweeted a snapshot of her conversation with someone who asked her out. While she said no to the date (because she’s already committed) she suggests other men follow suit when asking a woman out. Her tweet is winning the internet with over 5,000 ‘likes’ and more than 1,000 retweets within 20 hours of being posted.

“Men of Twitter, if you’re going to do it, THIS is how you do it,” says Ms Brockwell  in her tweet as she posted a screenshot of her exchange with an unknown person. Take a look at what their conversation looked like:

Men of Twitter, if you’re going to do it, THIS is how you do it. pic.twitter.com/t6qa8MUOgw

— Holly Brockwell (@holly) January 4, 2018

Their conversation didn’t quite end there:

Am now trying to fix him up with one of my favourite people. I’m totally telling this story at their wedding

— Holly Brockwell (@holly) January 4, 2018

(To be clear on context – this was an out-of-the-blue DM. Usually random DM flirts say something like “UR hot” or worse, send a photo __)

— Holly Brockwell (@holly) January 5, 2018

Seeing how calmly and nicely the guy reacted, Twitter couldn’t help but rejoice:

whoah and no bad reaction to your reply? one in a million

— Beth (@floatygoat) January 4, 2018

That basic good manners is so refreshing for you is really eye opening. There is so much shitty behaviour I just never see and this really underlines that fact. Thanks for sharing this.

— Joshua Garrity (@combinehunter) January 4, 2018

Basic politeness is so rare now warrants a lovely response and twitter post!

— Kian Goh (@kiangoh) January 4, 2018

I really stress and fret about asking people out and usually end up not, but if basic good manners is considered exceptional I maybe ought not worry so much. Thanks for sharing this! 🙂

— Adam S. Leslie (@MrAdamSLeslie) January 4, 2018

The fact that this is the bar and that most dudes can’t even hit that is so depressing

— Harrison G. Pink (@GilesPink) January 4, 2018

god I wish more men were like this

— Millie Ryan _ (@millieryanblog) January 4, 2018

It’s depressing that such basic politeness is actually a novelty 🙁

— Colin P (@ColinTDF) January 4, 2018

Men, are you listening?