‘Homeless stranded in the cold’, fumes Twitter as temples install heaters ‘for God’ in UP

Temple authorities in Ayodhya believe the cold wave might give their temple idols a cold and have requested to install heaters and sweaters for “Ram Lalla”

As the temperature continues to dip, some people in Ayodhya have apparently installed electric heaters to ensure the ‘temple idols’ are not affected by the cold. Janki Ghat Bada Sthan temple in Ayodhya installed a heater to keep the abode of their deity warm. The temple authorities are also conducting the daily jal abhishek (the ritual cleansing)

Check out the report right here:

“Heater installed for god at Janki Ghat Bada Sthan temple in #Ayodhya, Jalabhishek with hot water keeping in view intense cold weather” says Mahant Janmejay Sharan #UttarPradesh pic.twitter.com/DuessgMorV

— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) December 21, 2017

People on Twitter were not amused by the news. While a few laughed at it, most of the people were angry at the temple authorities. We live in a country where most people don’t have blankets or even shelters to live in during the cold, but temple authorities want the Government to spend money on heaters ‘for God’.

Here’s how Twitter reacted:

A temple in Uttar Pradesh has installed heater for the idols inside because weather is very cold.

In other news, not enough shelters in Delhi, homeless stranded in cold.

Is our country really developing?

— Varun Shetti (@ShettiVarun) December 22, 2017

they should also appoint doctors to keep a check on idols health 24/7

— my name is khan (@ataullakhan1) December 21, 2017

This just cracked me up…
God…please forgive me! https://t.co/8Ez0h0OPuV

— Aunty National (@NationalAunty) December 21, 2017

If humans hadn’t invented air conditioners, Gods would’ve died in extreme climates.
Thank God 😛 https://t.co/9JTGsMLo0G

— Truemon T A (@truemonta) December 21, 2017

Heater placed in the sanctum sanctorum of a temple in Ayodhya to prevent God’s from cold. Idols are washed with hot water

In the same country where homeless people can’t even afford a blanket. Religion truly the opium of the stupids https://t.co/UvSrPPXYK1

— cryptic wolf (@thycrypticwolf) December 21, 2017

Wow. UP is so progressive.

— Misanthrope (@Weird_Wanderer) December 21, 2017

I would have believed this if they had announced the heater is for pandits in the sanctum and others!!

Bhagwaan ko cold se bachao!!#Godkosardi https://t.co/7jZFZG8fTq

— Aaditya Singh (@aa_aaditya) December 21, 2017

How stupid is the provider’s of heater into the temple for idol!!!! Instead of that he should do for the needful Once!!! There r many lives who don’t have even shelter to live!!!!

— Asim Ali Khan (@asimalikhan43) December 21, 2017

Do you really think our saviors need saving?