Great news: Bryan Adams is coming to India again

Bryan Adams is coming back to India and we're super excited!

We’ve got some great news for Bryan Adams fans in India. It looks like we’re all set for another visit by the supremely talented Canadian singer.

It has been years since he visited India, and was quoted saying:

“I really want to come back to India. I have actually wanted to visit the country since a long time. If we can get a promoter there to bring us back, it would be great. I still remember the live concert I did in India. My Indian fans write to me all the time on Facebook, asking when I’m coming back. I wish I could say that it was a ride away, but we need to get a promoter first. I wish someone puts up a petition on Facebook, and people sign it. Then, I can get promoters excited about it. I was invited to perform in India two years ago, and we were all set to come there, but the plan fell apart.”

Bryan is currently in Norway for his Bryan Adams get up tour, and this Instagram post hints that he might be paying us a visit soon:

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Three Indian shows are to be announced as a part of his global tour.

Bryan performing in Norway:

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Are you on cloud number nine yet?