7 amazing comebacks for being called ‘dark skinned’

If you've ever come across who someone who has tried to turn you into Snow White, here are 7 amazing comebacks for their oh-so-racist concerns

It’s sad to see that a brown national full of such amazing, diverse skin colors is obsessed with being white. Dark-skinned people still get to her things like “Scrub that tan out”, “She’s lucky he married her despite her dark skin” and “try this skin lightening recipe”. Fairness creams are still flooding the market trying to convince everyone that dusky people get everything they want as soon as they use a fairness cream! And not just women, men are also being asked to become light emitting diodes because fair skin will turn you into a chick magnet. So basically, fair skin is the answer to everything and dusky skin is a curse.

If you’ve ever come across who someone who has tried to turn you into Snow White, here are 7 amazing comebacks for their oh-so-racist concerns:

1) “You’re so dark, how will you get married?”

You know… engagement, saat pheras, vidai..same old. You fair-skinned people got something else in mind?


2) “You’re so dark..it’s kinda..”

Aww, thanks. So is Beyonce. And Rihanna, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra. Damn, you must think I’m really pretty!

3) “Aye have you ever tried Fair and…”

Have you ever tried being a decent human being?


4) “LOL, your teeth look so white because of your dark skin”

No, actually I just brush them regularly. Try it.


5)For a dark person, you’re so pretty!”

For an educated person, you’re so stupid!


6) “Try this fairness recipe my grandma gave me. You’ll evolve into Snow White!”

Sadly we can’t find anything that’ll help you evolve as a person, right? Or did your grandma have a fix for that too?


7) “Don’t wear light shade clothes..it’ll make you look darker”

Don’t open your mouth..it makes you sound dumb.

P.S: Every skin color is beautiful and  your complexion should not decide how beautiful you are!