RP Singh appeals people on Twitter to help an Indian cricketer suffering from kidney failure

Rudra Pratap Singh got this news from a newspaper article after which he thought to help ailing Aditya Pathak through social media

Indian cricketer Rudra Pratap Singh has recently come forward to request people on the social media to help an Indian domestic cricketer suffering from kidney failure. Kanpur’s Aditya Pathak is suffering through a phase of kidney failure and his family is making great efforts to get him treated. As per several media reports, the 25-year-old cricketer’s family has a poor financial condition. His parents had to sell their house in order to pay for his treatment. Aditya, who has played in the Under-16 Polly Umrigar Trophy, reportedly faced a kidney failure for the first time in 2009 which was cured as his father was able to bear the expenses. As of now, his medical condition is not sound and Aditya’s family is under huge financial pressure.

Rudra Pratap Singh came across this piece of news through a newspaper article, following which he came to the aid of ailing Aditya Pathak through social media. The Indian speedster took to his official Twitter account where he shared the grab of that newspaper article along with the bank account details of the ailing domestic cricketer. He requested the people to help Aditya and wrote,”I request you to pl donate whatever amount you can for our Jr. colleague Aditya Pathak for his kidney transplant. Every little step counts.”

I request you to pl donate whatever amount you can for our jr. colleague Aditya Pathak for his kidney transplant. Every little step counts. pic.twitter.com/AVFefmpYW2

— R P Singh (@RpSingh99) August 2, 2017

In response to this post of RP, several people came forward and donated significant sums of money and replied to his tweet by sharing the screenshots of their online transactions.

Sir you are the greatest human ….. Proud of you… …. I’m inspired by you…Thanx pic.twitter.com/LdDbwLe2Qm

— Chanchal Sharma (@Chanchal6083) August 5, 2017


— DEEPAK (@DEEPAK36225082) August 5, 2017

Did Rudra. Proud of human beings like you. pic.twitter.com/lrJIiFQAkq

— RAKESH CHAVAN (@raakeshchavan) August 5, 2017

@RpSingh99 good luck aditya get well soon pic.twitter.com/GeBcL165Mg

— Rajeev Tiwari (Ranu) (@rajeevt04) August 6, 2017