Love Horoscope for 19 February 2017: Happy endings are not just for movies

While you may think that while your relationship isn't perfect because you and your partner are going through some rough patches, that is far from the truth.

Everyone loves to diss on romantic films where the guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after. “It’s fantasy,” they say. But, a “happily ever after” doesn’t mean that a couple is always warm and cuddly and never fights. That’s a part and parcel of every relationship. So, while you may think that while you and your partner are going through some rough patches and that means that your relationship isn’t perfect, that is not true. Arguments, disagreements, low points, they all define your relationship. And how you bounce back up from them defines your part in the play. So, check out your love horoscope for today to see what hurdles await you and don’t lose hope. Persevere and you’ll arrive at your happy ending.