Beauty hacks: 10 steps to avoid summer acne

Summers are here and the most common skin problem 'ACNE' is here and it has come to be with most of us for rest of the season

Summers are here and the skin problems have begun. The most common skin problem is ‘ACNE’ which has come to be with most of us for rest of the season. No matter how hard you try, they will pop-up out of nowhere.

For acne-free in summers, wash your face, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and make sure that you remove your make-up and cleanse and moisturise your skin well before going to bed. According to experts, use salycylic face wash and anti-acne masks to stay from acne in summer.

Alia Rizvi, Dermatologist at Me Clinic – Masters of Esthetics, and Megha Shah, a Cosmetologist, have rolled out basic pointers that can be easily incorporated in daily beauty regimens: