Without speed breakers: The sassy women bikers of Delhi

How a handful of women bikers are making their presence felt in the male-dominated biking community 

At 34, Vidhi Malla was tired of being on call for 24 hours. Although, she was handsomely paid, Malla felt stuck in the ruthless corporate structure. Before it was too late, she decided to take the ultimate plunge – quit her job and hit the road with her bike, travelling alone to far-flung places. Now, she is an active member of the biking community.

For a living, she does multiple things – running a pet shop, writing, consultancy etc.  “When you don’t have time for yourself, the zeroes on your paycheck doesn’t really matter,” she says in a huff as she gets ready to flag off a bike rally with 150 bikers in Delhi on a chilly Sunday morning.

After we reach our destination with the biker’s rally, Malla introduced me to her “girls”. Along with this bunch, we spotted the flamboyant Sonia Jain vrooming in on a Triumph Tiger, as we watched her in awe.

Watch this video to find out how these handful of women bikers are making their presence felt in the male-dominated biking community.